Programs and Courses

Programs & Courses

Move from Classroom to Career



  • 希望获得四年制学位或尽快进入职场的高中生? 探索我们的职业导向课程和短期证书.
  • Not sure what to study? Explore an Area of Interest.
  • Currently in the workforce? 一个劳动力发展或应用技术项目可以把你的技能带到一个新的方向!
  • Want to earn an advanced degree? Our University Center four-year partners offer dozens of programs.
  • Looking for a specific course? Visit our Course List 找到所有可用的课程以及每门课程的描述.
Degree and Certificate Programs

Degree and Certificate Programs

Discover the more than 150 programs we have to offer!

Wherever your interests lie, 我们可以把他们与课程和证书联系起来,以获得更多的成就,并进入一个有回报的职业.

Workforce and Continuing Education

Workforce and Continuing Education (WCE)

Ready to advance personally or professionally?

我们的WCE课程是发展您职业生涯的完美途径, learn a new skill or explore a personal interest.

Area of Interest

Area of Interest


这就是为什么我们把类似的程序分组到一个兴趣领域. 熟悉他们,找出最符合你的激情和职业目标的!

Degree-credit or continuing education?

Answer the questions below to help you decide.

Room to Grow and Learn

Our classrooms are bright, modern and spacious. 课堂是互动的、引人入胜的,授课教师致力于教学,而不是研究. And we boast a 24:1 student-faculty ratio, 这意味着你会得到个性化的关注,你需要帮助你成功!

What Comes Next?

If your goal is a bachelor’s degree, 我们提供300多种转学计划,将您的学习计划直接与另一所学院或大学的计划相匹配.

Additionally, the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) 提供最多30个学分的转移,以满足参与学院和大学的大部分(如果不是全部)通识教育学分.

University Center

Among the first of its kind in the country, our University Center (UC) 使你有可能参加学士学位课程, 在十大hg体育平台下载攻读硕士甚至博士学位! 加州大学与密歇根州一些最好的学院和大学合作,提供数十个项目.